Our Courses
International Diploma in In-Flight Services (Cabin Crew) Training

Working as cabin crew for a major airline is an exciting and challenging experience. In addition to jetting off to exotic destinations, the job also requires a high degree of responsibility and specialization to ensure the safety and comfort of passengers in line with industry regulations.

This course is ideal for young professionals looking to get a head start in the profession, introducing the skills and responsibilities expected by the world’s leading airlines. Special emphasis is given to customer service and procedures for handling unusual situations during flight, with the final module of the course giving useful tips for completing the recruitment process.

The curriculum of this diploma program covers a wide range of topics essential for cabin crew members, including airline safety and emergency procedures, aircraft familiarization, in-flight service protocols, and passenger management techniques. Students receive specialized training in handling diverse situations, such as medical emergencies, security incidents, and challenging passenger interactions, ensuring they are well-prepared to handle any scenario with professionalism and confidence.

Moreover, the program places a strong emphasis on customer service excellence, equipping students with the interpersonal skills and communication techniques necessary to provide exceptional service to passengers from diverse cultural backgrounds. Through role-playing exercises, simulated scenarios, and real-world case studies, students develop the ability to anticipate and exceed passenger expectations, fostering a positive and memorable inflight experience.

Furthermore, the diploma program incorporates modules on aviation regulations, industry standards, and best practices, ensuring that students have a comprehensive understanding of their role within the broader aviation context. Additionally, students gain practical experience through hands-on training in aircraft mock-ups and flight simulators, allowing them to apply their knowledge in a realistic environment and hone their skills under the guidance of experienced instructors.

Upon successful completion of the program, graduates receive an internationally recognized diploma, endorsed by leading aviation authorities, certifying their competence and readiness to embark on a rewarding career as cabin crew members. With its holistic approach to training and focus on professionalism, safety, and service excellence, the International Diploma in In-Flight Services (Cabin Crew) Training offered by Vietnam Airlines is the ideal choice for individuals aspiring to join the prestigious ranks of cabin crew in the global aviation industry.
